Medellín: From Colonial Christianity to Liberating Christianity


  • Juan-José Tamayo Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, España



Vatican Council II, colonial Christianity, liberating Christianity and Medellin


The article problematizes the Medellín Conference based on the assumption that, in this event, the paradigm of a colonial Church was changed to a liberating Church. In that sense, the documents of Medellín continue to be, still today - and will be more so in the future - a good program for the renewal of ecclesial institutions. The article demonstrates that the Medellín Conference had two major impacts: in the pastoral, by renewing pastoral practices and orienting them towards the office of the basic ecclesial communities; in theology leading the Latin American Church to discover the importance of the social place of theology, a matter almost neglected until then and deemed irrelevant, since what mattered was to elaborate a formally rigorous theology.

Author Biography

Juan-José Tamayo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, España

Doctor en teología y director de la Cátedra de Teología y Ciencias de las Religiones “Ignacio Ellacuria”, de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, España.

