Retranslations of Religious Heritage in a Small Place in the World: a case study of Diário dos Açores


  • Márcia Dias Sousa UCP



Pope Francis, collective memory, intertextuality, retranslation, cultural religious heritage


The Azores represents a community within the Catholic tradition. Since it is farther from the heart of the Catholic faith than, for instance, mainland Portugal, we can see it as a small portion of a cultural polysystem. This dichotomy leads one to wonder: how does global religious heritage resonate in this particular region of the world? We will seek to identify which of Pope Francis’s ideals and actions were mentioned in opinion pieces published in the regional press. This will allow inferring which of the messages promoted by this worldwide voice have had such an impact in this specific context that they were rewritten by laymen in their respective analysis of contemporary issues, thus contributing to preserve religious heritage. We will try to understand whether the Pope’s visit to the UN (September 25th, 2015) could have influenced the columnists’ retranslation. The corpus will be taken from Diário dos Açores.

Author Biography

Márcia Dias Sousa, UCP

Candidata a Doutoramento em Estudos de Tradução, pela Universidade Católica Portuguesa, e investigadora júnior do Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Cultura desta instituição (CECC).

