Idol, spell and covenant: Portuguese Inquisition and Central African religiousness in Lisbon in the eighteenth century: the case of Mary of Jesus


  • Josinaldo Sousa de Queiroz UFPE
  • Priscila Gusmão de Andrade UFPE
  • Rômulo Luiz Xavier do Nascimento UFPE



Inquisition. Angola. Process


The purpose of this article is to discuss an inquisitorial case against the Angolan Maria de Jesus, who was arrested and tried by the Tribunal of the Holy Office for the alleged crime of “pact with the devil” in Lisbon in 1735. For this, we use bibliography classical and contemporary on the subject, in order to understand, from the perspective of the defendant, the reasons that led to such practice and what this represented in Catholic and Central African culture.

Author Biographies

Josinaldo Sousa de Queiroz, UFPE

Doutorando em História (UFPE). Membro do grupo de estudos Nordeste Colonial e Imperial.

Priscila Gusmão de Andrade, UFPE

Doutoranda em História (UFPE). Membro do grupo de estudos Nordeste Colonial e Imperial

Rômulo Luiz Xavier do Nascimento, UFPE

Doutor em História (UFF). Professor adjunto da UFPE

