The pluralist principle as an articulatory elemento of research in religious studies and theology




Pluralistic principle, Theology, Religious studies, Epistemology.


The research was developed considering the epistemological debate that has taken place in the context of the Religious Studies and the Theology in Brazil area, especially the relation between these two disciplines. The main objective of the analyzes was to identify the main aspects of this relationship and to observe it based on the pluralist principle. The assumption is that such a principle, given its conceptual basis from decolonial cultural studies, can give greater visibility to the creative power of the boundaries that exist between the two fronts at issue in this analysis and can facilitate the reflections of both as an articulating element of the research, especially those motivated by the realities, thematic and situations forged by the “ border location of cultures “ and by border experiences. The main methodological step of the research was the collating of the pluralistic principle with prominent aspects evidenced in Capes (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Level Personnel), in its Document for Religious Studies and the Theology (2017) which monitors and evaluates the National System of Graduate Program. Particular attention was paid to the “tree of knowledge” and to the profiles of postgraduate graduates on these two fronts. Among the conceptual perspectives, we prioritize: i) the notions of multi, inter and transdisciplinary dialogue and the valorization of methodological plurality, ii) the specific concern with religious diversity, and iii) the propositive, practical and social insertion inherent in the principle pluralistic.

Author Biography

Claudio de Oliveira Ribeiro, UFJF

Doutor em Teologia (PUC-Rio).

