Four seasons for dialogue: forty years of contribution of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo’s Program of Study of Religion for the Religious Education




Education, Study of Religion, Religious Education


The Postgraduate Program in Study of Religion of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, completing forty years of research and production on different aspects of religion, including the discussion of religious teaching that occurred explicitly from the mid-nineties its researchers initiated a process of understanding between Religious Education and Study of Religion. This article was produced from the program Conceptions and Resources of Religious Education in the Project Conceptions and Scientific Production, is a qualitative bibliographical research resulting from the organization of information to reconstruct the relationship of a Strictu Senso program with the implementation of the theoretical references of this component to from the Study of Religion as its area of reference.

Author Biography

Sérgio Azevedo Rogério Junqueira

Livre-Docente em Ciência da Religião (PUC-SP). Doutor em Ciências da Educação (UNISAL). Líder do grupo de pesquisa Educação e Religião. Bolsista CAPES.

