Applied religious studies: a contribution of the professional masters in religious studies of the Faculdade Unida de Vitória




Religion, Study of Religion, Applied Religious Studies, Practical Study of Religion, Professional Master in Study of Religion


Evaluative-purpose article of the relations between academic and professional masters in the area of Study of Religion and Theology in Brazil. On the one hand, it prioritizes the Professional Masters in the field of Applied Study of Religion and, on the other hand, the historical experience of the only Professional Master in Study of Religion of Brazil. It is described the diversity of professional fields represented in the Program’s students, with a predominance of Education, Religion, Law and Health. Based on this observation, it is argued that it is a function of the Program the continuing education – in the perspective of research and professional performance in Religious Studies – of professionals from any field of activity in whose context questions related to religion interfacing with the respective profession are imbricated.

Author Biographies

Abdruschin Schaeffer Rocha, FUV

Doutor em Teologia (PUC-Rio). Professor do curso de graduação em Teologia e do PPG em Ciências das Religiões da FUV.

Osvaldo Luiz Ribeiro, FUV

Doutor em Teologia (PUC-Rio). Professor e coordenador do Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Ciências das Religiões da FUV

