Geography, religion and media: new interfaces of the sacred in the hypermodern age




Hypermodernity, Cyberspace, Capitalism Artist, Aesthetics, Religion and Media


The new social and cultural conjunctures allow the religious man to have access to different media that provide new interactions and connections with the sacred, thus generating new fields of analysis and research on the media universe and cyberspace. These changes provide different fields of research, especially for geography. Relying on the triad between man, technology and the sacred, religions appropriate this novelty by seeking, among political and economic disputes, the maintenance of their religious and devout territories. Seeking to uncover these current conjunctures, the objective of this article will be to present to the reader: a) the geography of religion as a field of investigation in transformation; b) the new sociocultural transformations in hypermodern capitalist society and; c) digital hypermodernity, new theoretical and methodological contributions in geographic science. The field of empirical research will take place through the Roman Catholic Church.

Author Biography

Jefferson Rodrigues de Oliveira, UERJ

Doutor em Geografia (UERJ). Professor Pesquisador do NEPEC

