Gender and Neo-pentecostalism: a perspective from the project Godllywood




Gênero, Neopentecostalismo, IURD.


This study aims at revealing dynamics built from the sacred to the genre. In order to achieve this goal, we got into the universe of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG) through the project called Godllywood, developed by this church, aimed at faithful women. The study was based on theoretical research on scientific production that addresses the interrelation between gender and religion, besides existing documentary research in the virtual channel of the project. Data
collection was conducted with the gathering of some information on the challenges presented by the leader of the project to female readers. The dichotomy established between evangelical traditionalism and the acceptance of new values of the current society exemplifies the project presented.

Author Biographies

Alesca Prado de Oliveira

Mestra em Geografia do Pontal (UFU).

Alessandro Gomes Enoque, UFU

Doutor em Ciências Humanas (UFMG). Professor Associado da UFU

