Old paradigms and new possibilities: integrative plural perspectives of spirituality and health from CAMs and the African notion of Ubuntu





Education, Spirituality, Health, Ubuntu, CAMs


Health is a plural concept since its concept does not just say the state of absence or illness. Concepts such as health education, the integrality of being, spirituality, religiosity, paradigms in health, and practices applied to health make up some of the related themes. The importance of studying spirituality/religiosity and its health implications has become a constant in discussions inside and outside the academy. Therefore, this article aims to address the theme by establishing a bridge between spirituality and sub-Saharan Africa, relating CAMs and Ubuntu. For this, we use the philosophical and historical methods with a bibliographic fulcrum through the leading names of African epistemology, the study of religion, health, and research in the field of spirituality in academia.

Author Biographies

Regina Coeli Araújo Trindade Negreiros, UFPB

Doutoranda em Ciências das Religiões (UFPB, João Pessoa-PB). reginatrindadenegreiros@gmail.com

Renata Shirley da Silva Ferreira, UFPB

Doutoranda em Ciências das Religiões (UFPB, João Pessoa-PB).





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