Transhumanism as a post-religion and mystic in Tugendhat
Transhumanism, study of religion, Tugendhat, mystic, desecularizationAbstract
In this paper, it is aimed to think about transhumanism at the limits of the border of religion on the way to a post-religion. The literature review is adopted as the main methodology and the study is structured in four parts: (1) presentation of dessecularization of society towards the intramundane mystical attitude in Ernst Tugendhat’s philosophy as an overcoming of death; (2) analysis of the underlying religious categories and redemptive promises of the trans-humanist philosophical project; (3) assessment of the resulting socioethical dilemmas, mainly in late stage capitalism; and (4) a contribution sketch based on the concept of alterity in Lévinas and Buber. The conclusion is that such theoretical framework poses a viable alternative to deal with the issues transhumanism aims to solve, as well as those that may arise from it.
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