Videogame, religion, and gender: discourses of Mormon masculinity in Fallout: New Vegas




Religion, Masculinities, Videogame, Consumption, LDS


Based on the assumption that video games are artifacts that mediate broad social relationships such as gender shares and their relationship with religions, this paper aims to study the intersections between discourses on Mormon masculinity in Fallout: New Vegas. Thus, we will observe how certain forms of gender performance based on religion are materialized in pop culture. We will use the methodological assumptions of Discourse Analysis, based on the notion that every discourse is generated and acquires specificity from a relationship with other discourses within an interdiscursive field. In the game, it is possible to observe the aestheticization of Mormon masculinity from abject figures and the valorization of male leadership in evangelizing missions and in the processes of judgment and aid for redemption.

Author Biographies

Eliza Bachega Casadei, ESPM

Professora Titular e vice-coordenadora do PPG em Comunicação e Práticas de Consumo da ESPM (São Paulo-SP). Doutora em Ciências da Comunicação (USP, São Paulo-SP).


Adille Rigoni Massimini, ESPM

Mestranda em Comunicação e Práticas de Consumo (ESPM, São Paulo-SP)





Seção Temática