The Upaniṣads and the notion of ignorance (avidyā) according to Śaṅkarācārya




Upaniṣads , avidyā, Vedānta


The Upaniṣads postulation of the Absolute Brahman, a non-dual and radically unicist ontological foundation, calls into question the supposedly substantial status of the multiplicity that characterizes the empirical universe (jagat), hanging on subject-object duality. How could the “One and Only” appear as multiple (supposedly) impregnated with the essentiality of the first? In order to clarify this fundamental question, the Upaniṣads introduce the notion of avidyā or Ignorance. One of the most important heuristic concepts in the history of Indian philosophy, in view of its widely acknowledged epistemic-soteriological efficacy, the notion of Ignorance is analyzed, in a remarkable way, in Advaita Vedānta philosopher Śaṅkarācārya (8th century)’s commentarial works.

Author Biography

Dilip Loundo, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

Coordenador, Núcleo de Estudos em Religiões e Filosofias da Índia (NERFI/CNPq.)

Professor, Departmento de Ciência da Religião


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