Between heaven and earth

The journeys of Benedict XVI and Francis in perspective




Catholic Church, Apostolic Journeys, Pope Benedict XVI, Pope Francis


The official international travels pursued by the popes elected in the 21st century have common aspects but also some differences, in line with each pontiff's profile and life trajectory. This text aims to comparatively analyze the changes that took place between 2005 and 2019, comprising the entirety of the pontificate of Benedict XVI and most of pope Francis. The process of secularization experienced by the West and the valorization of the Catholic doctrine, always present in the life of the theologian Joseph Ratzinger, was felt during his travels as pope. Likewise, the concern with social exclusion and the intricacies of politics, so predominant in the episcopate of Jorge Bergoglio, were and are very present issues in the current pope's travels. Making use of statistics, formal appointments held and speeches delivered during their Apostolic journeys, this analysis results in a small contribution to the clarification of the dynamics involving Catholicism and its relationship with the modern world.

Author Biography

Davi Arão Elias Cardoso, Universidade do Porto

Doutorando em Sociologia na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto


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