From rite to canon

Archaeology of religion in three perspectives




Religion, Power, Rite, Material culture, Canonicity


This article co-authored by three researchers aims at proposing an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach in Religious Studies, including archeological, historical and anthropological perspectives, taking into consideration quite different historical scenarios. For instance, we have a look upon the religious context at the Neolithic site at Çatalhöyük as well as a look upon the Hebrew texts from the point of view of its material culture, considering the reception of the first Christian writings from different archaeological sources related to late Antiquity, and the adoption of the idea of canonicity to a shamanic context in the Amazon area. All these approaches here entertained highlight a common theorical ground among them, that is, emphasizes the relationship between religion and power, between orality and writing, image and canon.

Author Biographies

Jefferson Ramalho, UNICAMP

Doutor em História (UNICAMP, Campinas-SP)

Maurício G. Righi, PUC-SP

Doutor em Ciência da Religião pela PUC-SP


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