The lack of archaeological evidence to prove the power of institutional religion in Israel and Judah


  • José Ademar Kaefer



Power of religion, Israel and Judah, archaeological sites


The purpose of this article is to show the lack of archaeological evidence that proves the power of religion in Israel and Judah. This lack is attested through local analysis (in situ), with bibliographical assistance, of the main archaeological sites of these two kingdoms: Megiddo, Hazor, Gezer, Dan, Samaria, Bethel, Silo, Jerusalem, Lachish, and Arad. The conclusion is that in all these sites, the power of religion, with temples and great altars, was very strong until the end of the Late Bronze Age. In the transition from Bronze to Iron I, particularly to Iron II, when these cities become Israelite, evidence of the religion’s power disappear. They only reappear in Judah at the end of the seventh century BCE.


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