The Roman cultual map

Syntagmas and effects of devotion to the divus imperator


  • Danilo Dourado Guerra Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goias



Imperial cult, Roman apotheosis, power


The aim is to explore some significant features of the Roman cult map. It is configured within a complex phenomenology of worship and is delineated from the agglutination of different elements that constitute its outline. Situated in the pyramidal apex of the process of construction of the divine Caesar and forged under a theopolitical platform of plausibility, the cult of the emperor is consummated as the apex of the rituals of apotheosis, the top of the dynamics of the construction of the devotee, and, above all, the zenith of the symbolic image construction of the sacred face of the Roman state. In the dynamics of the spectacle, as in a grand finale, this ritual system is established in the praxeological sign of the theatrocracy in Rome.


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