COELHO, Humberto Schubert. História da liberdade religiosa: da reforma ao iluminismo. Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes Acadêmica: IHPV – Instituto Homero Pinto Vallada, 2022. 344 p. ISBN 978-65-5713-382-8



Author Biography

Luis Jorge Lira Neto, Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, UNICAP

Master in Economics from the Federal University of Pernambuco (2008). Graduated in Electrical Engineering from the University of Pernambuco (1982). Doctoral student in Sciences of Religion (2022-) at the Catholic University of Pernambuco. He was professor of economics at Faculdade São Miguel. Experience in the area of ​​Financial Administration and in electric energy distribution system. Full member of the Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Institute of Pernambuco. Conducts research in the area of ​​religion, sacred texts and historiography of Spiritism. Writer and lecturer. Lattes Curriculum:

