Object of Religious Education: an identity


  • Sérgio Rogério Azevedo Junqueira


Religious Education, Object of study, Scientific Knowledge


Changing the design of religious teaching demanded a rethinking of the subject matter of this curricular component, since the second half of the nineties of the twentieth century researchers seeking to systematize this object, from a qualitative analytical historical document to identify the routing of construction identity of scientific knowledge in this area of knowledge. Were used for such studies Benincá, Costella, Junqueira, Schock and Turozzi for identifying his historical route of the formation of the object of religious education in the Brazilian scene.

Author Biography

Sérgio Rogério Azevedo Junqueira

Livre-docente em Ciências da Religião e Doutor em Ciências da Educação. Professor Titular da PUCPR/PR – Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná – Líder do Grupo de Pesquisa Educação e Religião (GPER – www.gper.com.br)