Hands and Words of the People. Culture and religiousness in popular language


  • José J. Queiroz PUC-SP


Word, hand, culture, religiosity, examples


This paper deals with the relation between words and hands in popular language, having culture and religiosity as backgrounds. It begins by pointing out the importance of the hand for the human being, which goes beyond anatomy and becomes an instrument of transformation and production of culture in its various aspects. Then it points out that the popular language expresses an eminently manual culture, even in its religious expressions. Finally it shows some examples of popular expressions that include a manual culture. These examples include terms that people most greet and express manual labor, like using verbal present instead of future and the mutilation of syntax. They also include expressions that involve a hidden longing of resisting and the will of overcoming a discriminating and exploring people society.

Author Biography

José J. Queiroz, PUC-SP

Mestre em Filosofia e Teologia. Doutor em Direito. Professor Titular e Emérito da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, atuando como professor no Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência da Religião

