Theodicies in The Lord of the Rings




Theodicy, Lord of the Rings, Metanarrative, Film analysis


This article focuses on the theodicy concept that emerges from the work construction of The Lord of the Rings, by J. R. R. Tolkien. We compared the theorization issued by Collin Campbell regarding a supposed western theodicy change, which was being influenced in culture and religion to adhere to a concept of epistemologically oriental origin. It was realized that despite the apparent possibility of a pluralization in theodicy construction, which would corroborate Campbell’s premise, it is not possible to accuse Tolkien or Jackson of escaping a traditional theodicy construction from the western perspective. However, it is possible to argue that, although the construction of the narrative itself does not have orientalist traits, its reception was not necessarily seen in this way, which was not the object of the present study, but shows interesting perspectives and developments of this discussion.

Author Biographies

Rodrigo Follis, UNASP

Professor na UNASP (Engenheiro Coelho-SP). Doutor em Ciências da Religião.

Fábio Augusto Darius, UNASP

Professor na UNASP (Engenheiro Coelho-SP). Doutor em Teologia (EST, São Leopoldo-RS).

Ismael Silva, UNASP

Especialista lato-sensu em missiologia (UNASP, Engenheiro Coelho-SP).





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