Circular economy in sewage treatment stations

mapping in the scientific literature, research in the context of PCJ basins and a decision-making tool




circular economy, wastewater treatment plants, resource recovery, PCJ basins, decision making


The recovery of resources from Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs), mainly from sludge, biogas and treated effluent, places these systems in the context of circular economy. Circularity is a concept that comprises alternatives that, in opposition to the current linear model of economy on which society is based, promotes the maximum use of the value of resources, the reduction of waste generation and waste. In this sense, this paper presents and discusses initial results of the construction of a decision-making tool that will allow the evaluation, in a menu of several technological routes, of the best options for processing the waste obtained in the sewage treatment processes within a circular perspective, from evaluations that consider sustainability indicators in the environmental, economic and social dimensions. This tool aims to facilitate and accelerate the transition to a circular economy in sanitation systems, favoring greater access to available technologies, visualization of impacts, and viability of return on investments. As a case study, the tool is being developed with greater adherence for application in the PCJ Basins region. In the final results, we present: a mapping of circular economy strategies in wastewater treatment plants found in the scientific literature; a mapping of this same type of strategy inserted in the context of the PCJ watersheds; a preliminary example of the computationally built tool, whose development is still in progress.


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