Circular cities

a sustainable approach for the urban future


  • Leandro Schneider Alves Parreira Fundação João Pinheiro
  • Alexandre Queiroz Guimarães Fundação João Pinheiro



Circular cities, Circular economy, sustainable development, Amsterdam, Paris


The study presents the general concepts of the Circular Economy and its application in urban contexts, called Circular City. Through bibliographic review, using the Google Scholar database and other government, academic and news sources, combined with the snowball technique, it was possible to search and select papers and information sources. This paper consists of a theoretical review of the themes of Circular Economy and Circular Cities, exploring their characteristics, forms of implementation, stakeholders, benefits, challenges, and related indicators. Then, as a case study, the capitals Amsterdam and Paris are used as examples of analysis, which provide subsidies in the context of implementing circular city theories, being at the forefront of the theme, even though the goals proposed in the initial strategic planning are not completely satisfied. It is concluded that Circular Cities are interesting platforms for realizing ecological ideals in the urban context, involving interested parties. However, challenges related to public policies, technology, governance, and production are present.


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