Sustainable and resilient development actions
an experience of participation and collaboration
Sustainable Development Goal, Risk Reduction, Solid WasteAbstract
Studies report that 85% of the Brazilian population lives in large urban centers, so cities must prepare to deal with this reality and possible adversities. This article describes the experience of the Municipality of Veranópolis in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, with the Project “Garbage is your responsibility”, foreseen in the Veranópolis Resilient City Program. The research method is applied in nature, with a descriptive objective and a qualitative approach. The technical procedure used was field study. The Project aimed to improve knowledge about the separation and correct disposal of solid waste and promote a culture of environmental preservation. To this end, we invited six Municipal Schools and two Private Schools, professionals from the public and private sectors and non-governmental organization, totaling more than 3,000 participants, for a period of five months. The results show that the implementation of the Project achieved the participation and collaboration of all those involved. In addition to the engagement of students, teachers, families and the community in the delivery and receipt of teaching materials and the correct disposal of waste.
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