Innovating data structures education with the Solitaire project and development of socio-emotional and Soft Skills


  • Luci Mari Tabuti Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo



Education, Soft Skills, Socioemotional, Technology, Innovation


This article introduces an innovative educational approach that combines the teaching of Data Structures with the development of socio-emotional skills. The methodology is exemplified in a case study conducted in computer science and computer engineering courses. The study involved creating a digital version of a traditional card game, with an emphasis on understanding the game's concepts and their transposition to computational data structures. The results demonstrated that this innovative approach, in addition to enhancing students' computational academic performance, also allowed for the practical application of this knowledge in their personal and professional lives. Furthermore, many students reported improvements in their quality of life and interpersonal skills, underscoring the importance of incorporating the development of socio-emotional skills into the teaching of technical concepts. This approach demonstrates an effective educational model that transcends the boundaries of the classroom, preparing students not only for academic success but also for a fulfilling and successful life.


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