(Re)signification of love and happiness
from classics to modern day anxieties
Love, Happiness, Sociology of happiness, Belonging, ExperiencesAbstract
Through readings of the works of Simmel, Eva Illouz and the researches of Jardim and Moura, which goes beyond what already exists, mainly rewriting the classics cited as a continuation of a new economic society, nowadays, Jardim rewrites and interprets in a structural way the definition of the social experience of love with aspects of experience that brought new relationship technologies such as social networks, which highlights Facebook and Tinder, continuing what already exists, expanding horizons in a society that is no longer seen by Bourdieu, but in which there are innovative ideas in vogue, such as gender relations, the relationship of love in the marriage market, in an original way, the choice of partners, the chosen and the rejected. It is experienced and calls us to focus on social change that is not static to classical studies. I corroborate with the advances brought about by Toni Junior's approach on Human Happiness, in a subjective, qualitative and quantitative way, which brings unhappiness in the feelings of living and belonging in the current world, dialoguing with Jardim's studies, having as presuppositions the cited classics.
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