Exploring sustainable horizons

a look at renewable energy





Environment, Renewable energy, Consumer.


It is seen that, in recent years, Planet Earth has been suffering from climate change. What can also be observed are consequences, sometimes caused by the widespread use of non-renewable energies, which, in addition to being conditioned to their depletion due to gradual scarcity, also end up compromising the future of the next generations. In this way, the present study sought to analyze the students' perception in relation to renewable energy; if your decisions are of a sustainable/social nature and if the choice for this solution is correlated with financial issues. This objective was achieved through applied, quantitative, descriptive, survey-type research. The approach was bibliographic and field, with a cross-section, and was restricted to the group of students from the Technology in Management Processes course at the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul, Farroupilha RS campus. The research showed that students understand the differences between renewable and non-renewable energy. Furthermore, it highlighted the awareness of those interviewed regarding the impacts if there are no changes to clean energy sources. Furthermore, those surveyed would invest in renewable energy generation even if with a long-term return, but understand the importance of greater investment and government incentives.

Author Biographies

Uiliam Hahn Biegelmeyer, Faculdade de São Marcos

Doutor em Adminsitração

Danielle Nunez Pozzo, Universidad de la Costa

Doutora em Administração


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