Modeling and Simulation of Product Service Systems for Design and Innovation


  • Tsuyoshi Koga
  • Ken Kaminishi


Palabras clave:

Product service systems (PSS), System modeling language (SysML), Creative design.


This paper addresses the process of designing new product service systems (PSS). The product service systems mean wide range of businesses which include physical products and intangible services such as software. For design and innovation, this paper proposes a modeling and simulation methodology of a system of a hardware and software. The process to promoting new PSS contains five steps. First step is to have a creative mind so that designer himself surely can start an innovation. Second step is to find good PSS idea. Third step is to select and choose the best idea. Forth step is to describe clear blueprint and to visualize the architecture of PSS.The clear blueprint helps to evaluate the technical and economical possibilities. Last step is to realize the PSS idea into this world by managing teams and projects. Based on a modeling method of hardware-software-systems based on SysML (System Modeling Language), a blueprinting methodology is proposed and confirmed by describing electric power supplying business.



