Towards a conceptual framework for the moderating effect of Grit on the relationship between Psychological Capital and Graduate Employability
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Graduate Employability, Psychological Capital, Grit, Human Capital Theory, Conceptual Framework.Resumen
The construct of graduate employability (GE) has received a considerable attention from researchers and policy makers because of its importance in attaining the national economic agenda. Human resource management researchers have identified and examined several antecedents of employability. To date, some of the factors that have been considered include soft skills, communication skills and problem-solving skills, among others. Despite this research efforts, only few studies have attempted to consider the influence of psychological capital (PsyCap) on GE. Even if any, they have reported conflicting findings. Therefore, a moderating variable is suggested. This paper proposes grit as potential moderator on the relationship between PsyCap and graduate employability.
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