https://doi.org/10.23925/2179-3565.2020v12i1p04-15Palabras clave:
Sustainable Development, Environmental Governance, Political Ecology, Sustainable Development GoalsResumen
As a multidimensional field, development encompasses a variety of disciplines and schools of thought. It has been evolving throughout history with different definitions and approaches being utilized and continues to evolve as new elements are integrated. The environmental and temporal dimensions gained significant prominence in the 21st century, therefore the concept evolved to be also frequently mentioned as sustainable development. The following definition was used during the General Assembly of the United Nations in 2015: “Sustainable development recognizes that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, combating inequality within and among countries, preserving the planet, creating sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth and fostering social inclusion are linked to each other and are interdependent”. Political ecology is a scientific field closely connected to the development agenda, as its ultimate goal is to promote sustainable development. With a focus on participatory methods, stakeholder networks and root causes, it provides a systemic perspective to human-environment systems. Another important benefit is that it promotes the connection between science and policy-making. From the political ecology perspective, this paper analyses the Amazon Fund, an initiative implemented by the Brazilian Government in 2009 to promote sustainable development. In the following years after the implementation of the Amazon Fund, considerable decrease in deforestation was observed at the Brazilian part of the Amazon Forest, including a record low in 2012, indicating the effectiveness of the project. Among the main results, the paper calls for strengthened environmental governance, the promotion of adaptative and multilevel approaches to governance and data and information generation for sustainable development.
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