
  • Francisco Azira Neto ABC Federal University, São Paulo
  • José Luiz Alves da Silva Pontificial University Catholic of São Paulo
  • Wagner Lopes Moreira Júnior Pontificial University Catholic of São Paulo


Palabras clave:

Digital Communication, Globalization, Smart Society, Industry 4.0, Remote Work


The current world has some central factors that lead us to constant innovations in all human activity fields and the way we communicate is no exception to this rule. Decades of globalization, the disruptive technological emergence and the recent COVID 19 acute epidemic crisis are examples of this situation; as a matter of fact this is leading toward a Tipping Point where the so called Digital Era and the ICT Revolution have come globally and with full strength in our daily life. Thus, an opportunity for academic research emerged so that the Global and Remote Communication theme could be explored, with the objective to understand, in basic terms, what the variables would be to interfere in an increasingly frequent and necessary way of our day to day interaction. Within that context, this exploratory and descriptive analysis was developed, aimed at the academic public in Brazil, composed by professors and university students, there included undergraduate, master, MSc and PhD through a set of 28 guiding questions that dealt to digital communication tools, communication barriers, individual behaviors and enterprise internal culture and proceedings. The results of our research allowed us to reach some interesting findings that qualified the Global and Remote Communication and, we hope, will be helpful for new defined studies in the future, with several and different approaches.



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