
  • Luciano Antonio Prates Junqueira Pontificial University Catholic of São Paulo, Brazil
  • Luis Hernan Contreras Pinochet Unifesp, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Kallita Ester Magalhães Pontificial University Catholic of São Paulo, Brazil


Palabras clave:

Blockchain technology, Business model, Trust, Value, Innovation


Blockchain is an innovative technology, which emerged in 2008 and presents important possibilities for application. Thus, this article aims to analyze the main characteristics, of the business models, the companies that use the blockchain. To this end, a survey was carried out based on Crunchbase, which is a market intelligence platform. Resulting in a sample of 48 companies more relevant according to the site. The next step was to make a content analysis, with the help of the Iramuteq software, of the material collected on the websites of these companies. As a result of the process, three classes of business blockchain impact were found: a distributed value structure, a governance structure, and an application structure aimed at encrypted and tokens.





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