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Lista de comprobación para la preparación de envíos

Como parte del proceso de envío, los autores/as están obligados a comprobar que su envío cumpla todos los elementos que se muestran a continuación. Se devolverán a los autores/as aquellos envíos que no cumplan estas directrices.

Directrices para autores/as

1. Articles must be unpublished, not published in printed or electronic form. Proof of originality is the responsibility of the author (s);

2. Articles submitted in Portuguese, English or Spanish will be accepted. Only papers with adequate writing and spelling will be accepted, as the submitted version will be definitive;

3. For the writing and presentation of the text is required to conform to the standards of the American Psychological Association (APA);

4. After the title of the work (which must be in capital letters), in the next line, it is necessary to contain the name of the author, email and Institution of origin;

5. The classification of the article may contemplate the following dimensions: (may have more than one concomitant): Model / Unpublished Theory; Field / Empirical / Laboratory Research; Practical Applications; Case Study and Teaching; Descriptive and Critical Analysis; Bibliographic / Documentary Research;

6. On the first page of the paper should have title (centered and bold, capital letter), abstract, keywords and abstract, keywords, with a maximum of 300 words, and just after that the introduction. The topics should be bold and in capital letters, aligned to the left;

7. The names of authors should be omitted from the body of the text to facilitate review by the Blind Review system, which omits the reviewer's authorship during the review process;

8. Authors need to clearly present ideas, including the proper use of illustrations and references. Papers should follow the format of the journal and generally consist of the following parts: (i) introduction, which establishes the purpose of the research (what the topic of the article is, and what its purpose is) and addresses its relevance; (Ii) theoretical reference; (Iii) research methodology or methods and techniques; (Iv) results and discussion; (V) conclusions and recommendations; And (vi) revised bibliographic references;

9. Paper Format: Office Word 97 or later, Page Setup: Paper Size: A4 (29.7cm x 21cm), Top Margin: 3.0cm, Bottom Margin: 2.0cm, Left Margin: 3.0 cm, Right margin: 2.0 cm;

10. The text configuration should follow the pattern: Times New Roman font, body 12 (for abstract and abstract, body 10); Spacing between characters, words and lines: simple; Number of pages: minimum of 13 (thirteen), maximum of 30 (thirty), including illustrations, bibliography (references) and footnotes of text;

11. The article should not be submitted to simultaneous evaluation in another journal;

12. The Publisher may accept or not the article submitted for publication, according to the editorial policy;

13. The Editor may or may not accept an article after it has been evaluated by the Double Blind Review system, which guarantees anonymity and confidentiality of both the author (s) and the reviewers;

14. The Editor may suggest changes to the article both with regard to the content of the subject and the adequacy of the text to the writing and presentation standards (APA); Or ABNT;

15. The article approved for publication will be submitted to final editing and spelling and grammar revision;

16. In the OJS system, adopted by RISUS - Journal on Innovation and Sustainability, the author (s) will have the article submission automatically rejected by the system if it does not accept the exclusivity, originality and copyright clauses;

17. The editor and / or any individual or institution linked to its collegiate bodies are not responsible for the opinions, ideas, concepts and positions expressed in the texts, as they are the only responsibility of the author (s);

18. Evaluations are made on standardized evaluation forms, with room for personalized comments, which are sent to the author (s) in case of conditional acceptance, corrections or refusal;

19. Abstracts must be in two languages, preferably in Portuguese and English;

20. Authors need to inform ORCID in their submission database.

21. The article should only be submitted online through the site: http://revistas.pucsp.br/risus/login 



Declaración de privacidad

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and are not available for other purposes or to third parties.