
  • Viktoriia A Hrosul Educational and Scientific Institute Economics and Finance, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade
  • AlonaYu Goloborodko Educational and Research Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship, State University of Telecommunications
  • Svitlana V.Lehominova Educational-scientific Institute of Information Security, State University of Telecommunications
  • Kseniia V. Kalienik Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade
  • NataliaYu. Balatska Kharkov State University of Food Technology and Trade


Palabras clave:

Programming, Workflow, Time reserve, Work time, Balance


The research aims at developing a fundamental technique for modelling balanced criteria system necessary to create encapsulations, within unified network protocols, to monitor every existing change in the business process or create their simulations (inheritance) and polymorphism in business process management. The research topicality is related to the description of modern transformations concerning the modelling of business processes associated with the data deepening with the need to adapt them to object-oriented programming in order to automate management. Therefore, there is an ongoing introduction and use of complex formats of network presentation of data with a unified language, which: balance the basic criteria of each “workflow” (based on systemic improvement of methods and tools for modelling workflows, their efficient and fast processing); maximize their benefits for the implementation of optimization solutions. In the process of designing the technique we used the methods of network modelling, network theory, which are aimed at solving problems of balancing the criteria of business process management. The process of network modelling with a unified language is implemented in the research, which is focused on the production of balance in the systems of business process management criteria. Basic attention is paid to the transition from analytical search of balance according to the workflow criteria to a graphic one. The proposed technique of modelling balanced criteria system for business process management is focused on large data volumes, so its basic processes were implemented using cloud computing service — math.semestr. The obtained results allow to form systems of balanced criteria, which are easily perceived in business process management and are effective in the conditions of continuous growth and distribution of information on numerous nodes of workflows. The proposed approach to modelling the system of balanced criteria of business process management is promising in terms of automation of business process management.



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