Relationship Networks and China’s Increasing Presence in Brazil – Looking at Entrepreneurship and Cooperation


  • Suzana Bandeira
  • Arnoldo José de Hoyos Guevara
  • Tereza Stefani
  • Janaína Rute da Silva Dourado



Network, Guanxi, Entrepreneurship, Cooperation, Trust.


The study of interpersonal relationship networks belongs to a long and extensive multidisciplinary academic research field. Although the subject is not a new one, there has been an increase in the interest of the role of social networks in the business world. This article discusses a kind of network very peculiar to Chinese communities’ way of life: the Guanxi. Ever more emigrating to countries of occidental culture, the Chinese bring with them their way of being and doing business to which the Guanxi is a significant cultural trait. Knowing this type of relationship increases the possibilities of success for those who intend to do business with the Chinese, both in Brazil and in China. The article encompasses a theoretical framework, exposing Chinese and Occidental theories about relationship networks, allowing a broad understanding of how Guanxi works. Interviews and the relevant analysis of their contents complement the exploratory and qualitative research.



