Entrepreneurs in teaching and educational practice


  • Edmir Kuazaqui
  • Luis Antônio Volpato




Education, entrepreneurship, university education, creativity, andragogy.


This article discusses the adoption of entrepreneurial practices as fundamental to the professor strategy. It is true that the addition of educational entrepreneurship concepts has not been thorough enough for a number of biases that have barred this discussion so far (Lavieri, 2010). For this reason, this paper focuses its importance to the qualitative education of the student. But what these entrepreneurial practices ? These practices, as Lowman (2004 ), relate to the different actions applied by the teacher in order to better convey his teachings and make the student body can understand and comprehend the contents taught and their applications . Thus, the teacher is no longer simply a content - and becomes a facilitator of the learning process. Thus, we highlight the importance of continuing education for the development of content, both from the point of view of the teacher as the student. After analysis and discussion, a reflection on the importance of constantly planned and sustained process of dialogue- creative education will be presented. This work drew on an exploratory study with bibliographical and field techniques, especially the experiential, from the systemic registration of experiences of the authors of the article and the testimony of other professors. Then characterized as essentially a qualitative study, no statistical evidence of the application of these practices.





