Sustainable development goals - SDG

an analysis of the main characteristics of publications


  • Valéria Garlet Federal University of Santa Maria
  • Fernando Vieira Cezar Federal University of Santa Maria
  • Thiago Antonio Beuron Federal University of Pampa
  • Lucas Veiga Ávila Federal University of Santa Maria
  • Lucia Rejane da Rosa Gama Madruga Federal University of Santa Maria



Sustainable Development Goals, Sustainability, Publications


This study analyzes the publications from the last five years (2015-2019) on the SDGs in the Web of Science (WOS) database in order to identify the state of the art of the theme and emerging topics that may be the strategic drivers of the production and application of science in different fields of knowledge. Our approach was both qualitative and quantitative and aimed at qualifying and quantifying certain variables related to the scientific literature on the broad subject the sustainable development goals - SDGs. The number of published pieces in the WOS focusing in SDGs issues during the period from 2015 to 2019 was 10.725. The main results of our survey highlight the ecology of environmental sciences, science and technology, engineering, business economics, fuel energy, agriculture, social sciences, educational research, computer science and chemistry areas as including the greatest number of publications. The results of the hot topics are encouraging for the subject studied. 13 areas are considered to be very important, which have indicators higher than m> 2, being considered top topics (areas of international recognition and with a consolidated field of study) which are cited: development studies, environmental sciences, business, urban studies, water resources, energy fuels, environmental studies, ecology, economics, engineering environmental, education educational research, and international relations. There are some measures that can be implemented by Universities about SDGs, in order to address the current theme in teaching, projects, research and actions, in order to allow motivation and interest. With that, countries are allowed to improve their rankings.


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