From generation to generation

a qualitative study of family businesses management


  • Daniela Gasperin 1Member of Group of Studies and Research on Futures, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo
  • Paula Patrícia Ganzer Guest professor of extension courses at the University of de Caxias do Sul
  • Roberta Rodrigues Faoro Professor at the University of de Caxias do Sul
  • Amanda Cicconeto Santinon Graduate of University of de Caxias do Sul



Sucessão familiar, Processo sucessório, Empresas familiares


Individuals from the same family manage the family business, and the decision-making process is in full responsibility of the company's founder, owner, or successor. This research analyzed seven owners of small family businesses in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The study applied the qualitative approach with an exploratory character to answer the following question: How does management occur in the succession process in family businesses? The qualitative data was analyzed by importing the content transcribed from the interviews into NVivo 11 Pro software. Next, we applied Bardin's content analysis. From the analysis, four categories were identified, namely: i) family succession process; ii) professionalization; iii) family conflicts and iv) decision-making. Concerning the succession process, there was inadequate planning by the owners and a lack of professionals to assist in knowledge. As for professionalization, the interviewees invest in the education of their successors, creating the opportunity for their children to prepare through undergraduate courses and specializations. Regarding family conflicts, particular interests were perceived among family, and situations of resistance to change from the interviewees, in accepting that the successors present new ideas, business or technology opportunities that can solve some deficiency of the company. Unbalanced emotions affect decision-making. As a result, there is the need to organize succession planning in a gradual and planned way to exchange power so that both successor and family are prepared for this transition.


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