

  • Arnoldo de Hoyos Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo




On this issue we start with a study in Pakistan using Path Analysys with 450 particpants form diferent sectors like banking, manufacturing and telecommunications, to show that structural and psychological empowerment have an impact on innovative behavior particularly to the extent that influence trust. The we have a few papers from the Wuhan University. The fisrt one is a study in Sri Lanka a country that is in transition toward towards efficiency driven productioin processes based on technology at the leather and and footwear industry showing that regarding competitiveness and innovations the majority of entrepeneurs still keep on using designs already avaliable. Next is a study on high-tech startups from 6 provinces of central China network showing in particular that network strength and breath have na impact on innovation performance. Next paper is a study that shows the usefullnes of using a new Educatinal Model based on a 6S Mangement and Competicion Mechanism in a Course of Robot-Integrated Design; and then we have one that focus in the way that Active Procrastination may Mediate the Academic Stress and Performance relationships. The last papersall come from Brazil starting with one dealing with the importance of organzational cultures to foster Sustainable Leadership through interactive and integrative colaborative group dynamics; then comes one regarding the worldwide very serious problem of Urban Sprawl and very Poorly Managed Acelerated Cities Expansion and Population Growth in Developing Countries like Brazil due to deficiencies on essential infraestructure that ends up having an impact on the Quality of Life of pepole without much resourcesmoving there particularly regarding lack of basic needs like food, water, electricity and public transportation. The Human Development index – HDI, developed by Pakistani Economist Mahbub Ul already in 1990, has being used and reecommended worldwide by the UNDP to monitor Natonal Human Development seeking improvements in human well-being since that time, includes three basic dimensions: Economics, Education and Health. Moreover since 2010 the UNDP observing prevailing Inequalities all around develped an adjusted Index (IHDI); as a complementary alterantive many countries nowdays seek to monitor this type of index at the city level, so that more apropiate local planning for improvements may be used. In this last paper a study de Brazilian cities, focusing in particular the Educational Level wich is so basic for all, clearly show that half of the 27 States of Brazil are not doing well at all, so that a great effort needs to be done fast for the social inclusion of this population particularly regarding the accelerated adavances and impacts of the 4th. Industrial Revolution, particularly in Developing countries; and speaking on Developing Countries last paper explores the efficiency in the organizing of innovative IT projects in the Sri Lankan contexto based on interviews with open-ended questions analysed by a qualitative data tool MAXQDA that shows that innovation management may be foster through mostly by Reward Structure, but also by Recruitment, Training and Development, Gamification, and Employee Empowerment




