Crítica à teoria dos mercados futuros à luz do desenvolvimento recente dos contratos futuros de açúcar e álcool da BMF


  • Carlos Eduardo Freitas Vian
  • Derick Davi Quintino


Sugar and alcohol, future markets, Institutional Environment


The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the recently evolution of alcohol and sugar futures contracts in BM&F. At first, we do a brief historical relate about evolution of sugar and alcohol sector in Brazil, showing the state regulation and the phase of self-regulation. The second part will show the theory of future markets and about the factors that take a contract successful or failure. Then we analyze the historical of sugar and alcohol future markets in Brazil and the causes of this failure. Finally, in the final considerations we relate the theory of future markets and the characteristics of the contracts of sugar and alcohol in Brazil, showing the importance of institutional analyses of them.

Author Biographies

Carlos Eduardo Freitas Vian

Professor Doutor do Departamento de Economia, Administração e Sociologia da ESALQ USP.

Derick Davi Quintino

Economista formado pela ESALQ USP.

How to Cite

Vian, C. E. F., & Quintino, D. D. (2012). Crítica à teoria dos mercados futuros à luz do desenvolvimento recente dos contratos futuros de açúcar e álcool da BMF. Research &Amp; Debate Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Political Economy, 18(2(32). Retrieved from


