Economy and happiness: theoretical elements and empiric evidences


  • Odirlei Aparecido Rodrigues
  • Pery Francisco Assis Shikida


economy, happiness, theory, questionnaires, Cascavel (PR)


The goal of this paper is to evaluate the relationship of happiness with money (income and/or goods) in the city of Cascavel (PR), by means of a questionnaire application. As a result, the three aspects for happiness presented a high dispersion. However, verifying the aspects that were more present, it was observed that health had singular prominence, proceeded by family, professional accomplishment/job, money/income/goods, accomplishment in the love, peace/peacefulness, other personal values and friendship/relationship. When joining professional accomplishment/job with money/income/goods – that means economy – economy was behind health, but it surpassed family. An important insight is the dubious relationship of happiness with economy when one considers the level of income. In this case, for the richest individual, money doesn’t bring happiness; on the contrary, in that the resources are scarce, more money gives an expressive contribution to people’s happiness.

How to Cite

Rodrigues, O. A., & Shikida, P. F. A. (2012). Economy and happiness: theoretical elements and empiric evidences. Research &Amp; Debate Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Political Economy, 16(1(27). Retrieved from


