The economics of a country in transition: Argentine 2001-2003


  • Santiago Gastaldi
  • Flavio Buchieri
  • Jorge Gómez Ortiz


political crises, financial crises, economic crises, default of public debt, asymetric dedollarization


The political crises of December, 2001, plus the implementation of the «corralito», the bankrupcy of the argentine state and the default of public debt, brings the loose of the currency board (the “convertibility plan”), after a decade of implementation in which application methodology, plus the asymetric dedollarization on a lot of argentine economic contracts, produced the biggest economic, financial, political and social crises in the entire contemporany history of Argentina. Today, at more of two years of these situation, the country starts a debate about the better institutional alternatives to put the economy in a sustentable way of growth, avoiding perverse shocks against the equitative distribution of income, both in policital and economics terms.

How to Cite

Gastaldi, S., Buchieri, F., & Ortiz, J. G. (2012). The economics of a country in transition: Argentine 2001-2003. Research &Amp; Debate Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Political Economy, 15(2(26). Retrieved from


