The content of the cyclical crisis of capital overproduction


  • Thiago José Nogueira Rodrigues dos Santos



crisis, cyclical crisis, calpital overproduction, general law of capital accumulation


The phenomenon of crisis is recurrent in capitalism. Among the schools of economic theory, Marxist theory influences the study of crises, because it identifies that crises are internal to the capitalist mode of production. The objective of this work is to analyze the content of the cyclical crisis of overproduction of capital. The work's approach is based on the critique of Karl Marx's political economy. The development of the work consists of the analysis of an abstract theoretical model that allows understanding the germ of the crisis and its development to the possibility of crisis. It is also about analyzing the cyclical crisis of capital production in two cumulative theoretical passages. The first deals with the character of the overproduction crisis, while the second highlights the cyclical aspect of the crisis in capitalism. It is concluded that the association of the general law of capital accumulation with the cyclical trajectory of the economy allows us to interpret the content of the cyclical crisis of overproduction inserted in the dynamics of the capitalist mode of production.


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How to Cite

Nogueira Rodrigues dos Santos, T. J. (2022). The content of the cyclical crisis of capital overproduction. Research &Amp; Debate Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Political Economy, 34(1(61), 101–122.