The New Keynesian unemployment theory:

its rhetorical influence under the Labor Reform in Brazil and its results in the Short Term


  • Francisco Thainan Diniz Maia UNIFESP



Neokeynesianism, Employment policy, Macroeconomics, Labor Reform, Wage Rigidity


Abstract: The article will discuss the influence of the neo-Keynesian school of thought on the 2017 Labor Reform and the positioning of the last Brazilian governments in economic management. Theoretical assumptions will be presented, the intrinsic limitations to the thought of this school, in the light of neo-Keynesian thought; finally, the practical results of the reforms and macroeconomic policies will be presented, relating them to the criticisms presented throughout the work, developing the hypothesis that the neo-Keynesian theoretical assumptions are not adequate for the Brazilian economy in its underdeveloped dynamics.

Key-Words: Neokeynesianism; Employment policy; Macroeconomics; Labor Reform; Wage ridigity


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How to Cite

Diniz Maia, F. T. (2023). The New Keynesian unemployment theory: : its rhetorical influence under the Labor Reform in Brazil and its results in the Short Term. Research &Amp; Debate Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Political Economy, 34(2(62), 64–78.