The Internet, Democracy and the Manipulation of Passions




Democracia, Algoritmo, Redes Sociais, Autoritarismo


Why and how have digital communication and information networks had, in addition to their informative and connecting aspects, a strong effect of social polarization and a negative impact on democracy? This is a complex and multifaceted topic. This article discusses how practices adopted by large digital corporations contributed to the rise and amplification of authoritarian movements. Several factors led to this phenomenon, including 1) the capillarized structure of the internet, which has led to a fragmentation of the information base; 2) the extractive economic logic of the new digital economy with its algorithms that seek to maximize profit, directing users to sensationalist and conspirational content, rewarding engagement and bringing together originally distinct people and groups; and 3) addictive techniques. Because of the rewards for strident, polarizing content and the exploitation of affects online, the outcome seems inevitable. This does not mean that the trajectory cannot be changed.


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How to Cite

Theuer , D. . (2024). The Internet, Democracy and the Manipulation of Passions. Research &Amp; Debate Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Political Economy, 36(1(65).


