Capitalismo 4.0: um novo regime de acumulação e regulação?
Capitalism 4.0, Industry 4.0, Mode of accumulation, Mode of regulation, Regulation School, United StatesAbstract
In this article, we define in a preliminary vein what we call “Capitalism 4.0”. At the productive base of this new stage of capitalism, the so-called Industry 4.0 would present itself as an increasingly palpable reality, particularly in the United States and other countries at the center of the capitalist system. Our essay argues that American central capitalism could be entering a new stage in its history, giving rise gradually to a new regime of accumulation and regulation, which we define under a regulationist-inspired approach. Its central characteristics would involve a deepening or radicalization of the aspects that marked the post-Fordist pattern of accumulation, towards a new stage whose characteristics are not yet fully defined.
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