The elite of the road: a cartographical approach to analyze the life stories of Mexican graduate students




Life stories, Cartography, Art, Graduate students


The following paper proposes the use of Cartography and Art in the study and representation of life stories. Although life stories, as methodology, have been characterized as an approach to the subjectivity and viewpoints of informants, the method has not been consolidated within Geography yet. Some authors have mentioned that the conception of space and territory as something objective, material, and measurable has made the implementation of life stories in Geography more difficult. Hence, this paper suggests that the link between Art, Cartography, and life stories can shed light on the representation of the subjectivity and experiences of different subjects and social groups. To illustrate this methodological proposal, the paper first discusses the use of life stories in the Social Sciences and in Geography. Second, it reviews different connections between Art and Cartography. Third, it analyzes the life stories of six Mexican graduate students in order to represent the findings cartographically and artistically.

Author Biography

José Alavez, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

PhD candidate in Phlosophy at Concordia University, Canada.


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