Mobile argumented reality and cartography: increasing, revealing, and creating new geographies


  • Wander Guilherme Rocha Carvalho State University of Campinas, Institute of Geosciences, Graduate Program in Geography, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.
  • Tânia Seneme do Canto State University of Campinas, Institute of Geosciences, Graduate Program in Geography, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.



Locative media. Mobile argumented reality. Catography


: Cartography has become a locative media. Its new features are mobility, information sharing, and articulation on multiple scales. All this has resulted in significant transformations of the relationship between the producers and consumers of cartographic information and in a broadened understanding of maps with new possibilities of representation and access to new contents concerning spatial reference. Geography has become a new science of the present, able to present new methods of “world-reading”. Augmented mobile reality conveys new meanings to hybrid experience of space in its physical and virtual locative contexts. It has facilitated access to dimensions of the present (or marks of the past) that were invisible to the nake.

Author Biographies

Wander Guilherme Rocha Carvalho, State University of Campinas, Institute of Geosciences, Graduate Program in Geography, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.

I have a bachelor's and a master's degree in Geography from the State University of Campinas. I have experience in Geography Teaching, with emphasis on new digital literacies, cartography and spatial thinking, and I am a participant of the Study Group Ateliê de Pesquisas e Práticas em Ensino de Geografia (APEGEO).

Tânia Seneme do Canto, State University of Campinas, Institute of Geosciences, Graduate Program in Geography, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.

She holds a PhD (2014) in Geography from the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - Rio Claro, where she also attended the Undergraduate (2006 - Bachelor and Bachelor) and Master in Geography (2010). Currently she is a PhD Professor (MS-3.1) at the Department of Geography, Institute of Geosciences, State University of Campinas. She has experience in the area of Geography Teaching, working mainly with the following research topics: new technologies and languages in geography teaching and cartographic education.


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