Precision farming and digital farming
Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação, Conectividade, Internet das Coisas, Nuvem, Algoritmo, Aplicativo, Base de DadosAbstract
This paper presents and discusses the characteristics of precision agriculture (PA) and digital agriculture (DA), pointing out the peculiarities and synergies of each of them. It explains how several countries since the 1990s have used pa in their systems of plant and animal production in with an intensity and extent in relation to the area and types of production systems that has grown over the years. PA includes the use of procedures and equipment, tools, and/or sensors to evaluate the spatial and temporal variability of soil, plants, animals, or weather. The purpose of pa is to supply information to support decision-making in differentiated or flexible ways for planters and other agricultural professionals managing agricultural business. In many pa activities, the collection, storage, analysis, and transmission of soil, plant, animal, or weather data relevant for a specific agricultural production system are performed by hardwares and softwares of DA. Many of these procedures can also be performed with different degrees of automation, either partially or fully. Terms commonly used in plant and animal production, such as information and communication technology, connectivity, internet of things, cloud, algorithm, application, Big Data, among others, can be related to each other as well as to PA and/or DA. In Brazil as well as in other countries, pa and da are in a dynamic process of critical discussion, development, adaptation, validation, and application.
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