Digital agrometeorology: the biophysical basis for the digital revolution in the field
Biophysics, Ecophysiology, Crop Modeling, Information Technology, Operational AgrometeorologyAbstract
An estimated world population of over 10 billion by 2100 and the uncertainties concerning the future climate heat up the debate on world food security, water supply and energy availability. Brazil is a key player in supplying a large part of world food demand. Hence, research directed towards the full understanding of soil-plant-atmosphere relations becomes increasingly important. This paper reviews literature on the fundamentals of biophysical bases for conceptualizing Digital Agrometeorology. Model-based decision support systems might help with the quantification of climate influence and with the management of agricultural production. It may bring a range of agrometeorological services that assist in management decisions, and increase the efficiency of shortand long-term processes of decision-making.References
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