Technological requirements in intensive urban farming
Technological innovations, Prospecting of demands, Urban agricultureAbstract
In the last 20 years, it has grown worldwide the interest in agricultural production, for food purposes or not, in urban or periurban areas — Urban Agriculture. In Brazil, as in other countries, this activity advances with the intensification of the demand for food and changes in the way we produce and consume healthy and functional foods. Therefore, the aim of this article is to identify the technological demands of urban agriculture, as to the intensive production of plants in highly controlled environments, with a view to the efficiency of the productive system, as to their productivity, quality and profitability. For this, a diagnostic analysis was performed, based on interviews with key agents in the production chain and secondary data obtained from a broad literature review. The paper summarizes the main needs and difficulties of technological adaptations and the incorporation of tools to food production, equalizing aspects of water saving and other inputs. Additionally, it shows how Urban Agriculture involves a multidisciplinary knowledge in different areas, such as thermal comfort, automation, robotics, nutrition, artificial lighting, IoT (internet of things) and others, aiming at achieving energy efficiency and, consequently, economic.References
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